No referral required!

You are not required to see a Doctor or be referred prior to your consultation at Delta Physio Clinic.

While a referral may provide extra information regarding your health status and condition, Physiotherapists have the skills and expertise to diagnose, manage and treat musculoskeletal conditions independently.

Please bring with you any paperwork including medical imaging reports related to your current condition.

    • List of current medications

    • Medicare card

    • Private health insurance details (if applicable)

    • WorkCover claim number (if applicable)

    • Privately paying and health fund rebatable clients

    • Compensable clients - WorkCover, CTP, Insurance claims

    • Medicare supported clients- GPMP, EPC, TCA

    • Department of Veterans Affairs

    • Functional Capacity Evaluations

    • Pre and post surgical consultations

    • NDIS

    • Any person who is looking to discuss their pain or injury!

  • Our Physiotherapists are happy to be your first contact practitioner, no referral is required!

Book today!